How To Seal Mylar Bags?

 2023-06-12 10:00:03

Welcome to our all-inclusive guide on how to properly seal mylar bags for long-term storage. Whether you're a prepper, a camping enthusiast, or simply looking to preserve the freshness of your food, custom bags are an excellent choice. In this article, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions and valuable tips to ensure airtight seals on your bags, keeping your contents safe and secure. So let's dive right in!

Why Seal Smell Proof Mylar Bags?

Smell Proof Mylar Bags are widely used for various purposes due to their exceptional barrier properties and durability. They are usually used for putting away food, as they can expand the timeframe of the realistic usability of items for quite some time. These bags are also resistant to moisture, light, and oxygen, making them ideal for preserving the freshness and quality of food, spices, coffee, tea, and other perishable items. By properly sealing Custom Airtight Bags, you can protect your supplies from contaminants and ensure long-term sustainability.

Choosing The Right Printed Mylar Bags

Before we delve into the sealing process, it's essential to select the appropriate Printed Mylar Bags for your needs. Consider the following features & factors when making your decision:

Thickness And Size

Mylar packaging bags come in various thicknesses, typically ranging from 3.5 mils to 7 mils. Thicker bags offer increased puncture resistance and are suitable for storing sharp or heavy items. The size of the bags should also be appropriate for the volume of content you intend to store.

Type Of Seal

Custom bags can be sealed using different methods, including heat sealing, impulse sealing, and zip-lock sealing. Heat sealing is the most common and dependable method, generating an airtight seal that stops air and moisture from entering the packaging bag.

Additional Features

Some mylar packaging bags come with additional features such as resealable zippers, tear notches, and clear windows for easy content identification. Consider these famous features based on your specific needs & requirements.

Steps To Properly Seal Child-Proof Mylar Bags

Now that you have your child proof mylar bags ready, let's go through the step-by-step process of achieving a perfect seal:
Prepare Your Materials.

Gather all the necessary items before you begin sealing your custom bags. You will need:
  • Custom bags of appropriate size and thickness
  • Heat sealing equipment (such as an impulse sealer or a clothes iron)
  • Oxygen absorbers (if storing food)
  • A hard, flat surface for sealing

Fill The Custom Bags

Fill your bags with the desired contents, leaving enough headspace at the top for a proper seal. If you're storing food, ensure that it is properly dried, cleaned, and sealed in appropriate packaging within the mylar packaging bag.

Insert Oxygen Absorbers (If Applicable)

If you're storing food or any other oxygen-sensitive items, it is recommended to include oxygen absorbers inside the bags. Oxygen absorbers help remove the oxygen trapped inside the bag, further extending the shelf life of your store items.

Prepare The Sealing Equipment

If you're using an impulse sealer, allow it to warm up according to the manufacturer's instructions. If you're using a clothes iron, set it to the appropriate temperature (usually the "wool" or "medium-high" setting) and ensure there is no water inside the iron.

Seal The Zip lock Mylar Bags

Place the open end of the zip lock mylar bags on the sealing surface and ensure it is straight. Apply pressure with the heat sealing equipment along the entire length of the bag, starting from one end and moving towards the other. The heat will melt the mylar material, creating a secure seal. Repeat the process on both sides of the bag to ensure maximum protection.

Check The Seal

After sealing the cannabis mylar bags, it's essential to check the strength of the seal. Gently tug on the sealed end to ensure it is firmly secured.

Common Tools For Heat Sealing Mylar Bags With Window

When it comes to heat sealing mylar bags with window, there are several common tools available that can provide efficient and effective sealing. Let's take a look at some of these tools:

Hair Straightener: While primarily used for styling hair, hair straighteners can also be repurposed for heat sealing. They work well for smaller bags and provide a convenient and accessible option for sealing purposes. However, it's important to note that not all hair straighteners are suitable for heat sealing, so it's advisable to use one specifically designed for this purpose or with adjustable temperature settings.

Clamshell Heat Sealer: A clamshell heat sealer is a specialized tool specifically designed for heat-sealing bags. It consists of two heated plates that come together to seal the bag. Clamshell sealers are ideal for sealing larger bags or multiple bags simultaneously. They provide consistent heat and pressure, resulting in reliable and sturdy seals.

Impulse Heat Sealer: An impulse heat sealer is another popular tool used for heat sealing custom bags. It utilizes a heating element that heats up when activated, sealing the bag upon contact. Impulse sealers are known for their quick sealing process and are suitable for a wide range of bag sizes. They are often adjustable, allowing you to control the heat and duration of sealing.

Vacuum Sealer: While primarily used for removing air and creating a vacuum seal, certain vacuum sealers also incorporate a heat sealing function. These sealers are commonly used for food storage, as they not only remove air but also provide airtight seals. Vacuum sealers with heat sealing capabilities are efficient for sealing custom bags and can help extend the shelf life of stored items.

Summing UP

Properly sealing mylar bags is crucial for the long-term storage and preservation of various items. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure airtight seals and protect your supplies from moisture, oxygen, and contaminants. Remember to choose the right bags, gather the necessary materials, and follow the sealing process carefully.

With a well-sealed mylar bag, you can have peace of mind knowing that your stored items will remain fresh and secure for a longer period. Start sealing your bags today with Packagly and experience the benefits of long-lasting preservation! We are always here to help our customers!

Read More: What You Need To Know About Custom Printed Mylar Bags?